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His Maiesties declaration to all his loving subjects of August 12, 1642 (1642) by England and Wales. Sovereign ISBN: 9781171254942 List Price: $16.75
The schedule containing the draught of the charter mentioned in the commission to which it i... by England and Wales. Sovereign ISBN: 9781171297895 List Price: $14.75
His Maiesties declaration to all his loving subjects of the 12 of August 1642 (1642) by England and Wales. Sovereign ISBN: 9781171289418 List Price: $19.75
The Kings Majesties: Declaration To His Subjects, Concerning Lawful Sports To Be Used (1866) by England And Wales Sovereign ISBN: 9781166140991 List Price: $12.76
The royal charter of confirmation granted by His Most Excellent Majesty King James II, to th... by England And Wales. Sovereign ISBN: 9781240848843 List Price: $25.75
Royal Charter of Confirmation Granted by His Most Excellent Majesty King James II to the Tri... by (London, Trinity House, Eng... ISBN: 9781173345600 List Price: $23.75
Declaration to His Subjects Concerning Lawful Sports to Be Used on Sundays by England And Wales. Sovereig... ISBN: 9781175266057 List Price: $15.75
His Majesties gracious speech, together with the lord keepers, to both houses of Parliament,... by England and Wales. Sovereign ISBN: 9781240803750 List Price: $15.75
His Majesties gracious speech to the Honorable House of Commons in the banquetting-house at ... by England And Wales. Sovereign ISBN: 9781240831975 List Price: $14.75
The King's Majesties: Declaration To His Subjects, Concerning Lawful Sports To Be Used (1866) by England And Wales Sovereign ISBN: 9781104915230 List Price: $15.95
Issues of the Exchequer: Being Payments Made Out of His Majesty's Revenue During the Reign o... by Great Britain. Record Commi... ISBN: 9781144879288 List Price: $38.75
Grants of the Forfeited Lands of Edward, Duke of Somerset, Etc. Temp. Philippi Et Mariae by Sovereign, England And Wale... ISBN: 9781143332258 List Price: $17.75
Letters from the English Kings and Queens, Charles Ii, James Ii, William and Mary, Anne, Geo... by Hinman, Royal Ralph, Govern... ISBN: 9781145358836 List Price: $34.75
Speciall orders and directions by the Queenes Maiesties commandement to all iustices of peac... by England And Wales. Sovereign ISBN: 9781240407507 List Price: $14.75
A collection of His Maiesties most gracious messages for peace, sent to the two houses of Pa... by England and Wales. Sovereign ISBN: 9781240791996 List Price: $14.75
His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects occasioned by a false and scandalous im... by England And Wales. Sovereign ISBN: 9781240849918 List Price: $15.75
His Maiesties answer to the XIX propositions of both houses of Parliament (1642) by England and Wales. Sovereign ISBN: 9781171254669 List Price: $14.75
The Kings Maiesties speach to the Lords and Commons of this present Parliament at Whitehall,... by England and Wales. Sovereign ISBN: 9781240159222 List Price: $17.75
The pleadings, arguments, and other proceedings in the Court of Kings-Bench upon the quo war... by England and Wales. Sovereign ISBN: 9781117716824 List Price: $26.75
Issues of the Exchequer; being payments made out of His Majesty's revenue during the reign o... by Exchequer, Great Britain., ... ISBN: 9781176404809 List Price: $38.75
The prince's cabala; or, Mysteries of state by England and Wales. Sovereign ISBN: 9781245080750 List Price: $24.75
Grants of the Forfeited Lands of Edward, Duke of Somerset, etc Temp Philippi et Mariae by Sovereign, England And Wales. ISBN: 9781130757125 List Price: $19.99
Letters from the English Kings and Queens, Charles II , James II , William and Mary, Anne, G... by England And Wales. Sovereig... ISBN: 9781279128237 List Price: $34.75
Grants of the Forfeited Lands of Edward, Duke of Somerset, Etc. Temp. Philippi Et Mariae by Thomas Phillipps, England a... ISBN: 9781355767022 List Price: $21.95
Letters from the English Kings and Queens, Charles Ii, James Ii, William and Mary, Anne, Geo... by Royal Ralph Hinman, England... ISBN: 9781294269106 List Price: $34.75
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